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Fresh greenery at Raizan Sennyoji Daihioin Temple

Partners Information: Founded by an Indian Buddhist monk known in Japanese as Seiga Shonin, Sennyoji Daihioin Temple in Itoshima, Fukuoka flourished as an emporer-mandated temple. The temple is said to have been built in 178 AD.

It was especially significant during the Kamakura fuedal government, particularly during the Mongolian invasion attempts against Japan when 300 additional hospices were built on the mountain.

The temple lies in the north, half-way up Mount Raizan and is also called “the Kannon of Raizan”.

Visitors to the temple can enjoy viewing the many Buddhist statues (including the Government-Designated Important Cultural Assets “1,000-Armed Standing Kannon” and “Seated Seiga Shonin” statues, as well as the statues of two gods) and Shinji Garden.

One of the highlights on the temple grounds is a 400-year-old giant maple, a Municipally-Designated Natural Monument, which is spectacular for its autumn colours in mid-November and for its fresh greenery in summer.

Be sure to include Raizan Sennyoji Daihioin Temple to your Fukuoka travel itinerary on your next visit to Japan!

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